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416 Gladys Dr
Pleasant Hill, CA, 94523



Contact Us

PTA General Contact information

416 Gladys Drive, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

PTA Executive Board 2023-24

President | Lydia Gali

Executive Vice President | Hannah Robrecht

Communications | Connie Sithi, Laura McInerney (asst.)

Programs – Health and Safety | Dylan Western

Outreach - Denise Wright

Ways and Means | Jennifer Nebo, Alicia Fates (asst.)

Hospitality, Social and Room Parents | Maura Crvarich, Samantha Sheldon (asst)

Secretary | Ashley Harvey

Treasurer | Laura John

Financial Secretary | Jessica Rovanpera

Auditor | Tannaz Alizadeh

Historian | Marissa Shannon

Parliamentarian | Jennifer Williams

Principal | Leif Utler

Teacher Liaisons | Amber McCaffrey